Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dec 3 - 9. Post 3

In this class, the one concept I feel was important is making incorrect assumptions. I thought this was a very popular concept that everyone goes through in their life.  I have made so many incorrect assumptions in my life whether it is on Christmas, birthday parties or with friends. I think knowing the consequences of incorrect assumptions are important because in my case it can prevent many problems. My story about Christmas is a perfect example because if I would not have made an incorrect assumption about my mom not buying me the purse, I would not have been bitter the entire time up until Christmas. I should have thought critically and maybe realized that this was my mother’s plan to do this and trick me. Incorrect assumptions are very common for me because unfortunately, I think the worst about people before thinking positive. I probably should not think negative about people but that’s what making incorrect assumptions is, thinking about people negatively.

I really appreciated everyone and their own opinions on their post! It was a really fun class. :)

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