Friday, December 7, 2012

Week of December 3 - 9: Q.1

Over the semester, I have learned a number of concepts in this comm 41 course. I have learned how to recognize fallacies such as, Ad Hominen, Strawman, Appeal to Pity, False Dilemma and Slippery Slope. I want to pursue a career in law and if I am capable of mastering this concept, I will do pretty well as a lawyer. I learned that fallacies are very common in politics. Since this was an election year, it was good timing for me to learn about this because when the debates were on I listened closely to the types of fallacies used. Misleading language played an important role during the presidential debates and I learned that in this class for the first time. Lastly, I enjoyed learning about the use of rhetorical devices such as, euphemisms. I did not know that this concept had a name. This is something everyone does to make a tragedy sound better by a replacement of a positive word. Overall, I really enjoyed the numerous concepts that I learned in this class. I know I will utilize them someday in my career!


  1. It is funny to me that you mentioned the campaign in your blog because every time something came on that was election related I would think about my critical thinking concepts too. I would pick apart their conversations and try and relate them to the course material. I loved that most of their debates and speeches contained fallacies and manipulation of language and structure. It made me feel like I was capable of dissecting an argument accurately. I think that I will also use the skills that I have learned in this course in my career and just in my everyday life. I think that this is one of those few GE courses that I will actually retain and use the information.

  2. I also enjoyed all of the concepts that were provided and was surprised by how useful each one was in everyday life. I guess, in a class about critical decision making, I figured I would have little to learn since I’m already an adult and capable of making my own decisions. It didn’t take me long to realize how wrong I was in that assumption. This class showed me that there was still plenty for me to learn about arguments and critical thinking. It even opened my eyes to certain mistakes I was making and showed me how I could do better.
