Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ch. 12. Q.3

In Chapter 12 of Think, a very important concept I read was the “Scientific Method.” According to Think, the scientific method is described as, “involves the identification of a problem and the rigorous, systematic of observation and experimentation in testing an explanation for the problem.” The scientific method is said to be similar to the three levels of thinking, “experience, interpretation, and analysis.” This method includes observations and analyzing these observations. The scientific method steps are the following: Identify the problem, Develop and Initial Hypothesis, Gather Additional Information and Refine the Hypothesis, Test the Hypothesis, Evaluate the Hypothesis on the Basis of Testing or Experimental Results. I think that this method is important because most people do not carefully analyze a problem or recognize what the problem is at all. After reading this chapter I realized that I constantly use this method without noticing. I figure out what the problem is and then I continue to figure out my easiest solution to the problem.

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