Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ch 2. Q.3

The concept of this week’s discussion that I think is important is empathy. According to chapter 2 in Think, empathy means “the capacity to enter into and understand the emotions of others” and this means a person understanding the emotions of others. When someone expresses their opinion about any issue or topic, as much as feelings should not be incorporated into arguments, subconsciously we do. I think this concept is important because we should consider people’s feelings when sharing their opinions. The book says this concept makes us better listeners and communicators and I believe this happens because once people’s feelings are involved, we empathize with the people. I feel that if we were to express our thoughts about a sensitive topic such as, the death penalty, we would want people to consider our feelings and want people to be extremely careful about what is going to be said. The book says that empathy motivates people to correct mistakes done in the past. This is extremely true because if it is recognized that feelings were hurt, there would be a different to go about that same situation in a different way.

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