Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chapter 8: Q.2

In Chapter 8, the article on the Death Penalty, Sister Helen Prejean expresses her thoughts towards the Death Penalty. Sister Helen Prejean says that the death penalty to her is immoral and a violation of human rights. Sister Helen Prejean says that it goes against the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. The death penalty is a controversial legal issue that is always in discussion. I disagree with the legalization of the death penalty and I agree with Sister Helen. I grew up in a religious household and I am a follower of the teachings of Jesus. I disagree with punishing a person by death for their actions. I do believe that we violate human rights by ending a criminal’s life. Death is frowned upon worldwide but when it comes to the death penalty, some make an exception and why is that? People cannot agree with something because of the reason behind it and then disagree because of the reason. If murder is seen as wrong, then it should be frowned upon. If Christians were truly the followers of the death penalty, Christians should also apply their other beliefs such as “forgiveness of all of our sins”. If they would apply that, there would be no death penalty killings.


  1. I see the point that you're trying to make, but what if you put yourself in the victim's family's situation? For example, if one of your family members was the victim of a murder, would you want the suspect to have the death penalty? Or would you just "forgive them" for their actions? I personally think that it's easier to say that the death penalty shouldn't happen, until you're put into the position of the victims. I think a Christian could still believe in "forgiveness of all of our sins", but if it comes down to it, they could still think the death penalty is necessary, depending on the action of the suspect. I personally haven't decided if I'm for or against it either, I just think it depends on the situation.

    1. I would want justice for my family member and want someone incarcerated for their crime. I would never wish death upon anyone, no matter how horrible the crime. I think being incarcerated and knowing that they will never be free is more harmful than death. Personally. But, I do see where you're coming from. Death is an easier solution for others. I respect your opinion on that. Thanks
