Sunday, September 9, 2012

Chapter 3; Q.1

In chapter 3, “Leadership and Decision Making in Groups and Teams” there are various ways to maintain a good leadership position in a group. It explains that leadership is defined as the influence of reaching a potential goal. There are different types of leadership roles such as the following: authoritarian, consultative, participative and laissez-faire. Authoritarian leadership is mainly about control within the group by and only by the leader. The leader makes decisions without discussing it with the rest of the group and just informs the group on the decision. The book says that this way has been faster to reaching a goal but not effective with satisfying the group’s needs. The other type of leadership is consultative leadership and this is opposite of authoritarian leadership because this is based on the opinions and ideas of the rest of the group members. This leader makes his decisions based upon the ideas of the group members. The laissez-faire leadership style involves no direct authority, or anything whatsoever. It is a group following the steps to fulfill a task. This type has been ineffective in authority.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alaina
    I also find this section of chapter 8 interesting. I think it is cool that there are different types of leaders. When I read this section I instantly thought of different world leaders for example. Hitler was an Authoritarian leader. It is in fact a very affective method of leading, he did get what he wanted, yet not everyone was satisfied and most of the world would have considered him a monster, but that still does not change the fact he was a leader after all. Also this section talked about other types of leaders and it made me think about what kind of leaders we had and how affective they are today.
