Sunday, November 11, 2012

Ch. 11. Q.3

A concept that I found interesting in chapter 11 was social networking. Social networking is any public forum such as, Twitter and Facebook. I feel that social networks are being misused by teenagers because of the immature posts that surface on Facebook. It is almost a competition about who gets more “likes” on their statuses or pictures. Social networks help in connections with other people, meeting new people, job searching, and might build a relationship. Social networks are crucial to your life because once something is uploaded on the internet there is no deleting it. One of my relatives has his own law firm and he has explained to me that when he has a potential employee, he will look them up on any social public forums to see what kind of person they look like. I am extremely careful of posting things of public forums such as, picture with alcohol; because someone can easily say that the person is raging alcoholic. Not everyone is careful when it comes to public forums because they do not know the consequences of their actions on social networks.


  1. I too feel that social networking is being a bit misused by teenagers and adults as well I think it is interesting how big social networking has become. I can’t honestly say that I’m happen thinking that one of my old pictures from high school could come back to bite me one day, but I guess there is nothing I can really do about that. It is like you said, once something is on the internet, there is no taking it off. I should probably try to be more careful about what I put on these social networking sites though.

  2. Social Networking defines the media in our generation today. A majority of the entire human population encounter social networks almost everyday. Whether it is twitter, instagram, or facebook, it truly has become a popularity contest. In my personal opinion, I feel as if people only wish to boost their ego through what they post on the media. For instance, I agree with you when it comes to posting pictures on instagram, its all about how many likes a person gets. In addition, twitter is the same way, but matters about how many retweets or favorites you get. I agree with you to the point where people have to watch what they post online because if it is something inappropriate, bad karma will find you.

  3. After reading the entire chapter, I also think that the concept of social network is very interesting and meaningful. You give a very good daily example by saying the Facebook. Since Facebook is a famous and popular network nowadays, many people including child, teenagers and adults are using Facebook every day. We can update our friends’ information through Facebook. Other than that, internet plays an important role to us. People now basically reply too much on technologies. According to my observation to most of my friends, they are spending nearly five hours on internet day and night. In this case, I conclude those social networks are tightly related to our lives.
