Saturday, November 17, 2012

Ch.12 Q.2

I have made so many incorrect assumptions in my life. I recall one specific Christmas I made an incorrect conclusion due to my observations. For Christmas, my mom and I always do the Christmas shopping for our family members. I am the one who usually finds out what people wants and then we go shopping. One Christmas, I gave my mom the Christmas list that contained everyone’s name and a couple of gifts they wanted. When we were at the mall, she kept asking if I liked this and that and I told her what I wanted for Christmas. I kept saying how pretty this Juicy Couture purse was and how much I wanted this purse. My mom bought the purse saying how much my sister would love the purse Christmas. I did not whine I said, “yes, Mom. Kaitlyn would love it. Get it for her.” The day of Christmas my mom said I had to open my present first but I was still so bitter about the whole purse situation. My mom was the first to open her presents and I went after her but my sister was going to be after me. When I opened my present, to my surprise, the Juicy Couture purse was MY present! Scientific knowledge had me recognize that my mom wanted to know what I wanted for Christmas by asking if I liked it and then pretending to give it to someone else. I thought it was cute that my mom went out of her way to surprise me.


  1. Hi Aliana Grey,

    I have also made many incorrect assumptions in life. I think that's what we all do as humans! We like to judge, no matter what anyone says or thinks. That is very nice of your mom to surprise you like that, especially since it would be hard for her with you around. I think that I would also assume that my mom would buy it for my sister if that happened to me. Instead, I think I would actually say something to get her to avoid buying it, like "oh ... I think she would enjoy another gift more than this one!"

  2. I think it is funny that you brought up Christmas in this post because I think that we have all been there. We are always taught to not expect gifts from people and to be grateful for whatever we receive as a gift no matter how little or big. I have been in this same exact situation. My grandma would always take us shopping when we were younger and tell us to pick out presents for our cousins that were our age in order to surprise us with something we picked out. My brother and I would be so excited until we eventually caught on. I Think as humans we make faulty observations all of the time but if we slow down and evaluate using the scientific method for our daily situations, I think that we would be more successful in determining the outcomes of our observations.
